
Thursday 1 January 2015

New year, new stuff?! Soon my friends.... soon...

Happy new year boys and girls! I hope its been a good one for you, and of course that the new year brings you many nice things. I have to start off the year by giving a small apology.

Christmas and the months leading up to it provided more than enough long hours and hard work for me, and as a result I fell off the radar. I think my last post was at the end of August and even facebook hasn't seen an update from me since before even then! The amount of work that came in meant I had to limit the orders I was taking so I know a few people had trouble getting their hands on some items, I'm very sorry if anyone didn't manage to get a toothless hoodie order in in time for Christmas.

It also meant that unless your message to me was order related I may have accidentally ignored it. (Special shout out to Sebastian, I'm so sorry I never replied to you! Things just got so busy, the Twitch T-shirt will be up soon if you still want it)

On the plus side I want to say a big thank you to the customers who had the patience to wait for their orders at such an awkward time of year! The feedback has been brilliant and I can't wait to get started on uploading some of my old items and also begin making some new ones.

The online shop will be reopening this weekend for a fresh start on Monday. As usual any requests or feedback is always welcome, and of course keep checking back for new stuff. Thank you everyone and once again happy 2015 to you all :)

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