
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Something for the LOTR and hobbit fans

The ebay shop has recently seen the addition of two of my old designs for all the lord of the rings fans out there. With the Hobbit trilogy now finished and leaving our cinemas I thought it might be worth bringing back these two that sold quite well on Etsy.

First off the Tree of Gondor T-shirt, printed in lovely silver vinyl onto a black T-shirt. 

And secondly for all the Land rover owners out there, we have "One does not simply walk into Mordor" with the Land Rover logo, printed in the gold vinyl that's used for the One ring T-shirt. Currently available in mens: Lord of the rings land rover T-shirt 

 Buy it here

Speaking of which, its about time I introduced the hoodie, women's and kids versions of the Lord of the rings The one ring T-shirt. So these have now been added to the shop as well as Gondor's white tree T-shirt and Land Rover designs. You can find them on these links

Womens The one ring T-shirt
Kid's The one ring T-shirt
The one ring inscription hoodie

 Buy it here

With Tolkien's Middle Earth based adventures being so popular even without the films I'm thinking of creating a few more designs to bring into my range. So watch this space if you want more. 

Monday 19 January 2015

Kodama T-shirt updated

Hey guys and girls, time for another upload. The next addition the range is more of a revamped version of the Kodama T-shirt I had originally uploaded to Etsy.

The original Kodama t-shirt design taken from Studio Ghibli's film - Princess Mononoke - had three of the little tree spirits which was printed on the chest area of men's and women's T-shirts. The little guys I actually took from screen shots of the film itself to try and keep them as close to the original idea as possible, but what I wanted to include was one of them smiling. Just like the one that prince Ashitaka asks "Hey little fellow, are you showing us the way or just getting us more lost?"

So the new additions for this upload are for the updated version of the design which includes that little odd smiler. Available in T-shirts and hoodies in men's, women's and kids styles.

I have considered perhaps adding the little Kodama tree spirits to the same style jumper as the popular sootball slouch jumper (but in black) for any of the girls out there who like the off the shoulder style. If there is enough demand then I'll more than happily add this one in for everyone :)

 Buy it here Buy it here
 Buy it here

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Lucky dip. and the winner is ..... The clone troopers!

It's surprising just how much time a new design takes to create and upload to all the different shopping platforms available out there, especially when there are so many variations to take into consideration. It also doesn't help that some of these shopping sites are a bit difficult to navigate, Bonanza currently being my favourite (in terms of awkwardness) in that it only allows you to set up your shop items in dollars, and I can't quite get my head around applying different shipping options. I want to be uploading designs! Not messing around with settings. Ah well, it has to be done.

Anyway onto the next new upload! I say new, it's a design that I had on the Etsy shop that wasn't uploaded to any of my other shops, so for some it might seem new but to me its been sat in my design folder for a while.

Originally I had planned to work down my list that I had set up but then I realised that I have a folder full of prints that haven't been touched for a good while that I should probably look at clearing first. So at random, drawn from the box of ready and waiting designs we have.... (drum roll please)

Oooooooh its a Star wars T-shirt!

Yes I know the "say no to order 66" has been done, But I found that every design (be it desktop wallpaper or clothing) had the traditional Storm trooper helmet design, and I figured for me that Storm Trooper design is not what I associate with the execution of order 66. So I created mine based on the original clone troopers helmet. Clone Trooper Say no to order 66 T-shirt

 Buy it here
So this piece is being brought back into the range, as promised in men's, kids and womens in both T-shirt and hoodie.  Available in 3 colours, black, white and charcoal. And also while I'm at it I will also take the time to add in the other variations on the other Star wars designs. 

Suddenly in need of a Star wars marathon weekend. And of course, speaking of clone troopers it had to remind me of this little gif. 

Saturday 10 January 2015

League of Legends Twitch T-shirt (as promised)

As part of my fresh start for the new year I decided to set myself a few goals. Number one being:


Last year wasn't a very social year for zen-oh-tee, and between setting up new sites. moving house and the Christmas rush, I lost out on making and uploading new designs. It means that everything has gotten a bit messy really, so a lot of my original prints are missing, some appear on ebay and some only on my main site and I seem to have heavily weighted my stock range in the men's T-shirt section which is a bit unfair really. Its winter, people need hoodies and jumpers! 

Anyway, the goal for this year is to make regular posts on the new and old designs I'm adding in. And to try and keep things evenly spread with each new design being added to all my online shops, and to be available across the whole range (men's, women's kids, tees, hoodies, and hopefully more) where possible of course. 

I had wanted to start out with the top item on my list that has been missing from the range since Etsy closed my shop (DAMN YOU VALVE!) But then I remembered my last post I mentioned someone who had contacted me and accidentally ignored. He'd asked about one of my old items in the hope I would re-list it. I never did, how embarrassing. 

And so here it is, for any league of legends Twitch fans out there. I give you my two Twitch designs. Available across the whole range. They are currently only available on the main site here (a quick Twitch search will turn them up or of course links are available below) but by tomorrow evening Ebay and Bonanza will have these also (for those who feel a bit more secure ordering from the big sites)

Hopefully this will be the first update of many this year. As usual if there are any want uploading sooner rather than later just give me a shout :)

Twitch quote T-shirt "They are the plague"
Twitch quote T-shirt "What doesn't kill you just isn't finished yet"

 Buy it here Buy it here

Thursday 1 January 2015

New year, new stuff?! Soon my friends.... soon...

Happy new year boys and girls! I hope its been a good one for you, and of course that the new year brings you many nice things. I have to start off the year by giving a small apology.

Christmas and the months leading up to it provided more than enough long hours and hard work for me, and as a result I fell off the radar. I think my last post was at the end of August and even facebook hasn't seen an update from me since before even then! The amount of work that came in meant I had to limit the orders I was taking so I know a few people had trouble getting their hands on some items, I'm very sorry if anyone didn't manage to get a toothless hoodie order in in time for Christmas.

It also meant that unless your message to me was order related I may have accidentally ignored it. (Special shout out to Sebastian, I'm so sorry I never replied to you! Things just got so busy, the Twitch T-shirt will be up soon if you still want it)

On the plus side I want to say a big thank you to the customers who had the patience to wait for their orders at such an awkward time of year! The feedback has been brilliant and I can't wait to get started on uploading some of my old items and also begin making some new ones.

The online shop will be reopening this weekend for a fresh start on Monday. As usual any requests or feedback is always welcome, and of course keep checking back for new stuff. Thank you everyone and once again happy 2015 to you all :)