
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Do Minions have eyebrows?

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Ok, so working on updating my Despicable me Minion hoodie I had a bit of a random thought. I've not seen one of these little guys without their goggles. I've seen them dressed up, still with their goggles, and fan art in various costumes.
And still wearing goggles, or maybe they are converted to glasses like the Harry Potter Minion that Google images also offered me. Now that I think about it, I can't actually imagine these guys without them. It turns out, they look pretty weird. 

I now have to wonder how long the designers of the Minion characters spent pondering over whether or not to give the minions eyebrows, was it the cyclops Minions that swayed the decision? Perhaps the thought of giving a creature a mono-brow was a bit off putting. Safe to say its now made Minion fan art a bit weird for me. I still love this minion hoodie though, the original didn't have a mouth! And here's me going on about not having eyebrows....
 Buy it here

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