
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Do Minions have eyebrows?

 Buy it here

Ok, so working on updating my Despicable me Minion hoodie I had a bit of a random thought. I've not seen one of these little guys without their goggles. I've seen them dressed up, still with their goggles, and fan art in various costumes.
And still wearing goggles, or maybe they are converted to glasses like the Harry Potter Minion that Google images also offered me. Now that I think about it, I can't actually imagine these guys without them. It turns out, they look pretty weird. 

I now have to wonder how long the designers of the Minion characters spent pondering over whether or not to give the minions eyebrows, was it the cyclops Minions that swayed the decision? Perhaps the thought of giving a creature a mono-brow was a bit off putting. Safe to say its now made Minion fan art a bit weird for me. I still love this minion hoodie though, the original didn't have a mouth! And here's me going on about not having eyebrows....
 Buy it here

Thursday 20 February 2014

The time has come....

After an exceptional amount of patience and insomnia enducing thought, I have decided to set up a new temporary site for Zen-oh-tee. There has been a lot of frustration with bugs and broken links with the current site, and after having put in so much work - only to find that it doesn't work - I figured it's time I made something that does work.

So to try and keep things simple and a little bit more personal, I've set up this small blog with a shop on the side that will include my top sellers and a few new additions. This site will link through to my Etsy shop, so the whole range is still available from here, but this will just give a bit of information on me, how I work and how designs have come into being. Hopefully it will also help inspire new designs too with some feedback from customers and followers :)

The old site will still be running and climbing the Google ladder, but until the bugs are fixed I can't afford any more time on the old site, especially when I have no idea how to fix it myself. Hopefully it will return to being a main site when its new makeover is complete.

So then, let the new sites testing and tweaking begin!