
Thursday 12 June 2014

League of Legendary let downs

Lately it seems that League of Legends - one of my favourite online games for the past 3 years - is purely here to troll and disappoint me. EU West still seems to be having issues, their latest being their loss of 3 days worth of data (well done) and of course the amount of Trolls and Flamers seems to be at an all time high. I'm still angry at my Teemo support who was drawn to every Nidalee spear and Jinx zap thrown in our direction, but managed to sidestep the blame for our bad bot lane score.  ¬_¬

Strangely though, I still find myself playing it almost every night. When things go well I actually have a lot of fun, even in the games I lose. I do find it a bit of a shame though, some of my favourite characters are just not valid choices for playing a serious game. Even if you want to take them out for a spin there is a good chance the rest of your team will do nothing but complain. Right now my poor little Lion Dance Kog'Maw is collecting dust as he has no escapes.

I do still love some of the better characters. Once my drawing skills are back to a level that I'm happy with, I'll be breaking out some character designs for T-shirts. For now though I have just a small selection to test the water.

Two aimed at those lucky (or skilled) enough to grab a Penta. The Keep Calm Pentakill T-shirt and Pentakill T-shirt

 Buy it here Buy it here

And since I've been assigned the role of ADC for our ranked team, I've taken a shine to Twitch, so I thought I'd put something together for myself in a lovely neon green. They are the plague twitch T-shirt and what doesn't kill just isn't finished yet Twitch quote T-shirt

 Buy it here Buy it here

And of course I almost forgot my original GLHF T-shirt and Brucey's favourite, good game T-shirt

 Buy it here Buy it here

Currently up for promotion on my solo/duo ranked, and hoping I can time it right so my matches take place when all the 5 year old players have gone to bed. Fingers crossed I get another win streak going :3