
Sunday 11 May 2014

Zen-oh-tee and the Harry Potter based update

I should be a bigger Harry Potter fan.

No really. 

My Mum loves Harry Potter. My Dad (as far as I can tell) really likes Harry Potter. The films seem to be shown in this house more than any other film. Even though my parents own the movies on DVD (which replaced their VHS versions) they will watch  Harry Potter if its on TV. The books have made their way though all the family, they are a top search result for my Etsy listings, and for my birthday  Mum has booked the Harry Potter London studio tour. 

I should be a bigger Harry Potter fan. 

I think for me, my problem was the films. As usual the books were greatly let down by their big screen adaptations. Films are not enough. Where is the series? The CGI cartoon? The Anime? It could have been so much, but was squished down into so little. Oh the shame. I really hope in ten or even twenty years, they do something much better with Harry Potter. Much MUCH better. 

But anyway, I do love Harry Potter. And of course I plan to re-read the books to try and bring some life back into my love for it. My wonderful Mother has booked a Harry Potter London studio tour for our family for my birthday and considering I wasn't entirely happy with some of my Harry Potter themed items, I thought it was time I brought in some new ones and updated the others. Now I need to figure out if I should drop my Netflix series and kindle reads in exchange for Harry Potter before our trip, and also which top am I making for myself to wear on the day.

So, updated is the I solemnly swear that I am up to no good T-shirt. Really didn't like using the Harry Potter font on that one, some people might have liked it but I prefer something with much nicer lettering, so lets see how it does. Available in Men's and women's,  Marauders Map T-shirt

 Buy it hereBuy it here

Mischief Managed T-shirt, with the foot prints of Messrs Moony Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs.

 Buy it here Buy it here

Something basic, Moony Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs T-shirt printed in distressed bold lettering.

 Buy it here Buy it here

And of course the fours animal silhouettes for another Moony Wormtail Padfood and Prongs T-shirt  :)

 Buy it here Buy it here

These new Tees and also the updated Marauders Map T-shirt will be up on Etsy shortly. Plus I'm hoping that after my trip to Harry Potter world I will have a few more designs in the pipeline.